A Triennial Symposium Focusing on Animal Mortality Management
Past Symposia
The first symposium was held 2005 in Portland, Maine with a focus on composting. These symposia have been made possible through partnering of individuals and the organizations they represent, including individuals from education institutions, agricultural commodity representatives, government, centers of excellence, and private businesses. The varying locations have added to the allure of the symposium and have attracted participants from around the world. During the 4th symposium, held in Dearborn, MI., over 20 countries were represented!
Previous symposiums include: (Click on the available links to see proceedings for that year's program)
2005 - National Conference on Composting of Carcasses and Slaughterhouse Residuals
Portland, Maine
May 24-25 1st International Symposium program
2006 - National Carcass Disposal Symposium: Connecting Research, Regulation and Response
Beltsville, Maryland
December 4-6 2nd International Symposium program
2009 - 3rd International Symposium Management of Animal Carcasses, Tissues and Related Byproducts: Connecting
Research, Regulation, and Response
University of California at Davis
July 21-23 3rd International Symposium program
2012 - 4th International Symposium on Managing Animal Mortality, Products, Byproducts, and Associated Health Risks:
Connecting Research, Regulation, and Response
Dearborn, Michigan
May 21-24
4th International Symposium program
2015 - 5th International Symposium on Managing Animal Mortality, Products, Byproducts, and Associated Health Risks:
Connecting Research, Regulation, and Response
Lancaster, Pennsylvania
September 28 - October 1 5th International Symposium program
2018 - 6th International Symposium on Managing Animal Mortality, Products, Byproducts, and Associated Health Risks:
Connecting Research, Regulation, and Response
Amarillo, Texas
June 3 -5 6th International Symposium program
2021 - Virtual International Symposium on Managing Animal Mortality, Products, Byproducts, and Associated Health Risks:
Connecting Research, Regulation, and Response
Virtual - hosted from Raleigh, North Carolina
May 18 - 19 Virtual International Symposium program
2022 - 7th International Symposium on Managing Animal Mortality, Products, Byproducts, and Associated Health Risks:
Connecting Research, Regulation, and Response
Raleigh, North Carolina
June 27 - 30 7th International Symposium program (coming soon)
Impacts from past symposia are continued vital collaborations
Significant education and outreach through extension, government, other organizations, and in academia
The application of new management practices on farms and in animal processing businesses
New research projects related to the efficacy and safety of depopulation, disposal and decontamination
Policy changes in various countries, provinces, states and localities are being proposed, funded, conducted and reported