A Triennial Symposium Focusing on Animal Mortality Management
Call for Papers and Posters
The Call for Papers and Posters is now open. If you are interested in submitting a paper or poster, please fill out the form below and email it to the committee at animalmortmgmt@gmail.com.
Understanding Livestock > Wildlife > Human > Environmental Health connections are critical in meeting challenges of disease disasters involving depopulation, decontamination, and disposal activities. Catastrophic and routine losses of poultry and livestock associated with large-scale production operations are significant environmental, biosecurity, and waste & water management concerns around the globe. Response to highly-consequential animal disease is not limited to farm animals. Disposal of wildlife, marine mammals, fish or other species is necessary routinely and in response to accidental deaths, natural disasters, and disease outbreaks.
The symposium will highlight new research, case studies, and field experiences related to recent animal mortality disposal methodologies. Discussion of One-Health, most recently HPAI in multiple species, is being planned for. Critical assessments of public policy with the intent to capture and disseminate new information on these topics, and to stimulate development of additional research, policy, and educational programs.
What to do and Who to Contact
If you are interested in submitting a paper, please use the example posted on this page.
If you are interested in submitting a poster, please use this example.
If you have questions about paper or poster formats or submissions, please reach out to: