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All times listed are in the Eastern Time Zone


7:00 AM          Registration and Exhibitor Showcase Open          South Hallway



​7:45 AM          Welcome                                                               Joe Hudyncia


8:00 AM          Opening Remarks                                                 Dr. Richard Bonanno



8:15 AM          Technical Presentations - Session Five                 Room 302

  • APHIS' Farm Bill (NADPRP) - Projects to Enhance Depopulation and Carcass Disposal Capabilities for Animal Disease Emergency Response - Julie Walling, Melinda Bone, and Rob Miknis

  • Using Composting as a Tool to Manage Per- and Polyfluorinated Substances (PFAS) Contamination in Livestock Mortalities - Mark King

  • Soil Quality Under Catastrophic Mortality Compost Windrows - Jean Bonhotal

  • Swine Carcass Characterization Under Desiccation - Dr. Brett Ramirez


8:15 AM          Technical Presentations - Session Six                  Room 301

  • Equine Mortality Testing in the Upper Midwest - Hannah Lochner

  • Epidemiology and How it Relates to Disposal - Dr. Doris Olander

  • Building Capacity of Livestock Compost SMEs - Ken Powell and Dr. Sara McReynolds

  • Biosecurity Testing of Horizontal Grinders - Paul Lemieux


10:00 AM        Break and Exhibitor Showcase                             South Hallway



10:30 AM        International Panel - Dr. Kevin Wilkinson, Dr. Dejelia Gomez, Sonya Piercey, Dr. Mohamed

                                                         Naceur Baccar, Van Doan, Dr. Kirsty Richards, Julian Sparrey                     



11:45 AM - 12:00 PM        Buses Depart to Demonstration Site      Depart from RCC Entrance


12:45 PM        Lunch at Demonstration Site                                NC State University


1:15 PM          Concept and Equipment Demonstrations             NC State University

​**Please note that open-toe shoes are not allowed at the demonstration area.**

  • Carbon Dioxide Chamber Overview

The use of carbon dioxide in swine depopulation is well documented as an approved method by the American Medical Veterinary Association (AVMA) and other resources. The North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services developed a system to depopulate large numbers of swine either on-farm or at a centralized site. The system allows for the depopulation of large numbers of swine on a daily basis without posing a significant risk to workers involved in the process. In addition, the design facilitates carbon dioxide recovery and reuse, which reduces gas consumption by up to 40%. This feature is critical in cases where carbon dioxide demand is high.

  • Above Ground Burial

This activity employs a hybrid between deep burial and composting.  It involves digging a shallow trench, placing one foot of carbonaceous material in the bottom of the trench followed by a layer of carcasses, covering the carcasses with the excavated material, and seeding the mound.  In the current demonstration, two plots were built in early spring using six finish hogs averaging 275 lbs. each.  Piles will be dug into, and results discussed.

  • Static Pile versus Aerated Static Pile Composting Trials

This demonstration will show participants the effectiveness of adding an additional aeration source to enhance biodegradation of mortalities.  Both compost piles will be constructed of the same feedstocks, be of similar size, shape and volume and will and contain the same number and mass of mortalities.  The only variant will be the addition of a “passive aeration source” to the base of one of the pile variants (static pile and passively aerated static pile).

  • Vertical Mixer/Grinder

This demonstration will highlight the advantage of size reduction and thorough mixing in the development of the ideal compost recipe.

  • Compost Windrow Turning

Windrows of compost mixture will “mechanically” be turned to show the effectiveness of mechanical turning in developing the ideal compost blend.  The turning will be accomplished by a tractor with an externally-mounted windrow turning device —This demo will be repeated.

  • Alkaline Hydrolysis

A long favorite of the symposium organizers, this demonstration uses a patented technique of heat combined with a high pH liquid solution to dissolve soft tissue and stabilize mortalities as a safe and effective disposal method.  Results of a treatment cycle will be on display along with a discussion of the process.

  • Compost Feedstocks

Participants will be handle and examine samples of various compost feedstocks (both carbon and nitrogen sources) that are available for routine and emergency compost operations.  Physical properties (i.e., texture, moisture-holding-capacity, Carbon-to-Nitrogen ratio, bulk density, and ideal recipe mix ratios will be discussed for each of the feedstock samples).

  • Soil Pit/Soil Profile

Local Soil Scientists will describe the physical properties of the “ideal” soils necessary to support mortality management options, such as:  burial, composting or above ground/shallow burial; using a freshly dug soil pit and pre-made soil columns to explain important concepts.  Instructors will also share examples of pre-approved mortality management site plans that include soils investigations.

  • Drone Demonstrations

As technology advances, drones are becoming an important tool in the field of emergency animal responses.  Experts will describe the various benefits of these devices along with some the legal and ethical challenges associated with the use of drones at emergency events.  Live demonstrations of the various applications will enhance the learning experience.

  • Portable Depopulation Tools

Participants will receive hands-on experience in the deployment and utility of various handheld and portable depopulation tools.  Safe, effective, and humane practices will be stressed along with various euthanasia options available during an emergency event.

  • Incinerator

  • Decontamination

  • Student Research


5:45 PM          Shuttles Depart to North Carolina State Fairgrounds   NC State University


6:15 PM          Dinner at the North Carolina State Fairgrounds     Tobacco Pavilion


7:30 PM          Shuttles Depart to Raleigh Convention Center      North Carolina State Fairgrounds


8:00 PM          Free Evening  

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